Our Services
  1. We take Pictures at night
    We take Pictures at night
    If we see a nice view from a transmitter site at night we will likely take a picture Might post it to social media Might not
  2. Troubleshoot to a component level
    Troubleshoot to a component level
    Some times you have to pull out the old soldering iron and make repairs. Doesn't scare us
  3. Magic
    Here's where the magic happens. The server room... somewhere Lots of bits and bytes Stand clear Keep your hands in your pockets Your hair in a bun
  4. Remote Troubleshooting
    Remote Troubleshooting
    Things happen fast We troubleshoot fast and fix it now No time to get in the Tesla and scoot over to get hands-on Log in ...wait...wait... Fixed!
  5. System down
    System down
    Don't let this happen to you. People should be here working They can't The system is down Should have a contract with us....
  6. We Take Pictures
    We Take Pictures
    We like goofing around and taking pictures of each other and put them on our web site Not sure who these two are but they best get back to work